Medium: Digital Photograph/ Photoshop
Location: Melbourne, Australia
A few years ago, I had the opportunity to study abroad in Melbourne Australia. I will always have a solid place in my heart for this city for multiply reasons. Melbourne is where I was reunited with my childhood best friend who had moved there years prior. This is the city where I was given the opportunity to study with great scholars at the Uni of Melbourne. However, what I loved most about Melbourne was its bohemian feel. This is definitely a city that embraces and thrives on art.
These photographs which I took are of a local beach about 10 minutes from the city named St. Kilda's Beach. I manipulated the photograph to make it look more dramatic and dark. I added additional photographs of underwater creatures that I took at the Melbourne Aquarium. Australia is known for the deadliest jellyfish.
As the weather begins to get colder and the days short, I am reminded of my life when I lived in Australia... 10 minutes from a beach... Though I do not live there now, this city will always be a part of me.
Hello Grace,
I love your new image for the wish you were here assignment. I also liked your description about how you created it and why. It is funny how attached people can get to a place they've visited. I have similar experiences with cities I've been to as well but I'm not sure how I want to "create" such experiences visually.
Good Job,
- Jana
I love this piece. The jelly fish mimic the clouds in the sky. The manipulation of the buildings definitely reflect your style and connect this piece to your previous piece. I can't wait to see what else you create.
Hi Grace,
I love your new image for the Wish You Were Here Part II. I love how parts of it are so realistic and parts are more abstract in your own personal style. I really like the fact that through these blogs we have all learned so much more about each other. I cannot wait to see what you do next!
grace, this is a beautiful photograph collage I love it!
What an incredible sky! "As above, so below" indeed... the churning cloudscape reflects the liquidity of the sea life, ever in motion. The darkness makes the city, or just that afternoon, seem heavy with apprehension. The fish and jellies below belie that apprehension, seeming watchful and controlled. "Nothing to see here, move along." There's a kind of x-ray-like treatment of the fish, though, that makes you think you're supposed to notice some threat. Not seeing it doesn't help settle my nerves.
Grace, this is beautiful! The dark tones create a very detailed romantic experience. I love the landscape of sky-city-underwater. It is important to acknowledge all parts of a place and it's environment. I feel like you r experience there was so intense that you absorbed everything.
ha! well, I might sell it if I knew it was going to such a good home:)
I am a fan of silhouettes and cut outs myself. I also love drips and playing with paint so this was very fun to create!
Hey G!
I love the imagery; it has a wonderful balance and expressive quality that is also complimented by the description. I really enjoyed hearing about your experience!
Pardon my language, but this image is bad ass. I really don't want to use another word to describe it. I love the dark quality of the entire photo and especially like your inclusion of the jellyfish. Are the buildings similar to those in your previous screenprint? Fab job!
Thanks for your comment and remembrance, Grace. There is a link at the bottom of my post to the rest of the photo album. Check out the rest of my fall day! Like I said to Samantha, memories are so elusive but sometimes so powerful. I can remember and recall the feel of sitting in my Big Wheel and the smell of the carpet where I lived as a kindergartener, but often can't remember my cell phone number!
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